How do I create custom reports in the Impact Dashboard?
Reports can be created within Users Groups vs. Monitors, Monitor Trends, User Trends, and Champions.
Open Insights
In Global Navigation, click the Insights link [1]. Then click the Impact Insights link [2].
Open My Reports

Click the My Reports link.
Enter Report Information
To add a title to your report, click the Report Name text box [1]. Then enter your description in the Report Description text box [2].
Select Report Type
You can select a report type from the available options:
- Users Vs. Monitors [1] - compare the data from multiple monitors across multiple User Groups.
- Monitor Trends [2] - gather data from a single monitor across several User Groups over time.
- User Trends [3] - visualizes the usage of several monitors for a single User Group over time.
- Champions [4] - identify users who have triggered a specific monitor most often.
Report Data for Users vs. Monitors
To represent the data for a single User Group or a single monitor, click the Legend drop-down menu [1].
To change the visualization from a line graph to a bar chart, click the Graph Style drop-down menu [2].
To limit the data presented in the charts to a predefined relative time period or a manually selected date range using the Start Date and End Date fields, click the Time Period drop-down [3].
To select a start date for your report, click the Start Date field and enter a start date [4].
To select an end date for your report, click the End Date field and enter an end date [5].
To select one or multiple monitors, click the Monitors drop-down menu [6].
To combine multiple groupings using Logical User Groups, click the Select User Groups drop-down menu [7].
To run the report, click the Apply button [8].
Report Data for Monitor Trend and User Trends Report Options
To change the visualization from a line graph to a bar chart, click the Graph Style drop-down menu [1].
To change the unit of time the graph should be broken down, click the Unit of Time drop-down menu [2].
To limit the data presented in the charts to a predefined relative time period or a manually selected date range using the Start Date and End Date fields, click the Time Period drop-down [3].
To select a start date for your report, click the Start Date field and enter a start date [4].
To select an end date for your report, click the End Date field and enter an end date [5].
To select a monitor(s), click the Monitor drop-down menu [6].
To combine multiple groupings using Logical User Groups, click the Select User Groups drop-down menu [7].
To run the report, click the Apply button [8].
Report Data for Champions Options
To select between the Number of sessions triggered or the Total times triggered, click the Based On drop-down menu [1]. The Number of sessions triggered refers to the count of login sessions where the user has performed the action at least once. The Total times triggered refers to the total number of times the user performed the action regardless of login sessions.
To specify the number of champions to be downloaded, click the Amount of Champions field [2] and enter the desired amount.
To limit the data presented in the charts to a predefined relative time period or a manually selected date range using the Start Date and End Date fields, click the Time Period drop-down menu [3].
To select a start date for your report, click the Start Date field and enter a start date [4].
To select an end date for your report, click the End Date field and enter an end date [5].
To select a monitor(s), click the Monitor drop-down menu [6].
To restrict the report to certain user groups, click the Select User Groups drop-down menu and select the user groups [7].
Click the Apply button [8].