Learnings on Studio Auto Captioning And What It Means For You

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.



Auto-publishing captions

I was fortunate enough to fly to California and meet some institutions in May. These in-person visits add so much depth to the conversation and they provide lots of great input to problems that we’ve been researching recently. For instance, video quizzing, and how teachers want to leverage them to build student engagement with their videos. How students would react to teachers controlling the speed and locking the seeking in videos and its contradictory pedagogical value in self-paced learning environments. We also chatted about extending the native Studio editing tools and what it is that content creators truly use on a daily basis with other solutions. Using videos in Canvas Discussions, and students replying to their peers by recording themselves is a great way to enhance the learning process. 

An important piece that we went into greater details is auto-publishing captions. You may have noticed that since Mar 25, captions are automatically generated, but they still need to be reviewed and published manually. That resulted in many of you reaching out to me that those should be also published automatically. Should they be?

The key takeaway is that there are two very vocal groups. One, who prefers simplicity and automation, says that every student must be provided with captions every time no matter if those are unreviewed yet and might have inaccuracies. The other group is also right: a full automation might make content creators neglect the review process more and more over time and fix inaccuracies when there is a complaint only, making auto-publishing a no-go. Things like reusing videos semester over semester, or the variable audio quality that impacts caption quality indeed require different processes in place. There is also the case when there is only one department at an institution that uses a different solution to create videos and captions, where this automation creates a far less than ideal user experience.

With all that feedback, we decided to introduce this control both on the account (Admin) and user level, somewhat similarly to Feature Options in case of courses. Stay tuned, this is coming in the following weeks!


The good ol' CC button

If we are already talking about captions, there might be one more interesting update, something that is much bigger than what it actually looks like at a glance. The icon for the caption toggle. Resulted in a long discussion several years back on why Studio uses no CC button, but a transcript-like icon. The past one year added tons of video accessibility improvements to Studio, captioning was frequently in the spotlight, and we believe this deserves a quick survey to see if we should make this change this time or not. 

Tell us here (1-min survey)


Minor change in the release schedule

First, we also noticed that due to some strange changes, the public roadmap does not contain any Studio related outcomes. Don’t worry, we are going to fix that very soon! Additionally, I wanted to inform all of you that Studio will move product updates to Wednesdays from Mondays starting on July 3, 2024. 

And lastly, let me add a photo here with the wonderful Ventura CCD team! It was a such a great discussion! 

Ventura CCD team shared a good deal of feedback on StudioVentura CCD team shared a good deal of feedback on Studio



The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Coach
Community Coach

Great news @AkosFarago about the option to control the auto-publishing of auto-captions. The Ventura CCD team is an awesome group!

Community Member

Thank you, Akos (@AkosFarago), for the comprehensive update and for considering the valuable feedback from your in-person visits.

I fully support the decision to introduce auto-publishing captions. Ensuring that every student has immediate access to captions, even if they are not yet reviewed, is crucial for accessibility. This feature simplifies the process and ensures that no student is left without the necessary resources to succeed, especially those who rely on captions for their learning.

Moreover, having the flexibility to control this feature at both the account and user level is an excellent approach. It balances the need for automation and accessibility with the responsibility of maintaining accuracy in educational content.

Thank you again for your commitment to enhancing our tools and making these thoughtful updates!

Community Participant

It was great meeting you @AkosFarago ! Thank you for listening to us and taking so many notes. Studio is lucky to have you on their team. 

Community Contributor

@AkosFarago ,

It was a pleasure meeting you.  Our team is quite an inquisitive and informative crew.   We simply want the best product that can be delivered.  We had the time of our lives giving you the ideas from our faculty's perspectives. Our goal is to continue to communicate with you like what @ProfessorBeyrer is doing with the state so that the Faculty needs are being heard.  In this new world people feel overlooked and devalued.  We are trying to avoid teacher burnout.  We are trying to break these molds so that people feel included, valued, and heard.  Thanks for doing the same.  My next stop is the OTC in Long Beach where I'll check in with Kelly our customer service manager. 

May the force be with you. 

Community Champion

Thanks @ProfessorBeyrer ! 

You Rock You Rule.png
