Two More Days to Vote, and Then What?

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Instructure Alumni
Instructure Alumni

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Over the past 23 days, 2815 votes have been placed from 768 Community members. On Friday @ 6pm MT, voting will close. I am sure you are wondering what to expect next.

Once voting closes, our team (Product and Engineering) will come together to review all of the votes and assess which themes to move to a “Prioritized Theme”. We will share which themes have been selected on June 1st. 

Why does it take that long to review? 

Selecting these themes requires us to be very thoughtful. When we move a theme into Prioritized, we, Instructure, are committing to delivering that value to you within a 6-month timeframe. Our team must assess our initial findings from discovery to determine the complexity and capacity to deliver on the theme(s) and balance this with all the other avenues of feedback channels we look at. 

How many themes will be selected?

Honestly, it fully depends on the above. As I am sure you saw from reviewing the themes during voting, the scope and size can vary by theme. How many we commit will be determined based on other roadmap commitments plus the complexity and size of given themes.

What happens to themes not selected?

We save all of the great comments and votes from this voting cycle and the theme moves back into “Identified” with the chance of being selected for our next voting cycle in late 2023 (Oct - Dec timeframe). 

Will all referenced ideas be addressed in a Prioritized Theme?

No, not all ideas will be addressed. What we are committing to next for selected themes is that our teams will conduct the necessary discovery to determine the best solutions to solve for the value outlined in the theme. As we further assess and define those solutions, we will keep the Community informed on any ideas that may no longer work into that solution. But do not fear, those ideas are not lost - they will be mapped to a different theme (either existing or new). 

So what now?

We know that you all are eager to learn more about which themes will be Prioritized and the timing associated with those. Our team will provide you with an update the last week of May to outline our findings, which themes have been selected, and what to expect next.

And please continue to provide your feedback via our feedback form as collecting feedback in a structured way results in greater insights. Once we get through a full cycle of voting and prioritization, we will determine what to change, if needed.

The content in this blog is over six months old, and the comments are closed. For the most recent product updates and discussions, you're encouraged to explore newer posts from Instructure's Product Managers.

Community Participant

Where do we go to vote?

Community Coach
Community Coach


The voting ending last Friday (April 28th, 2023)

Community Participant

Never mind, I see it's closed! 

Community Participant

Thanks, our CSM just told me! 🙄