[ARCHIVED] e-portfolios for potential employers

Community Champion

Does anyone have experience with students sharing e-portfolios?

We have students on placement creating e-portfolios, which includes previous assignments they have chosen to include. These are then shared via private link with potential employers (who we have set up with Canvas accounts, although I think this should not be necessary?).

We are finding, however, that although they can view the e-portfolio they cannot see the assignments - they get an 'unauthorised' message when they try to view them.

We are assuming this is not intended behaviour, as the description of e-portfolios is  "users can build an unlimited number of ePortfolios in which to collect and document their educational projects, submissions, experiences, and other work products. Users can keep ePortfolios private or share with other students, instructors, and/or future employers."

Does anyone have any experience with this? (We do not want to start adding the employers to courses as it is not practical and that would give them access to other info - we just want them to see the relevant e-portfolio and info in it!)

Thank you!

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