LTI 1.3 Gradebook post lineitem due date

Community Member

Hi there,

I'm running into a problem while creating a line item in Canvas.

Here IMS Global documentation mentions that "A tool MAY specify the initial start time/end time" and shows this example of post body:

{   "id" : "",   "scoreMaximum" : 60,   "label" : "Chapter 5 Test",   "resourceId" : "a-9334df-33",   "tag" : "grade",   "resourceLinkId" : "1g3k4dlk49fk"  "startDateTime": "2018-03-06T20:05:02Z"  "endDateTime": "2018-04-06T22:05:03Z"}

I've noticed that however neither startDateTime nor endDateTime works with Canvas. I have also tried due_at, unlock_at and lock_at as these are the values Canvas sends when creating/updating assignment on its platform.

So my question is whether there is a possibility to specify start/end time as well as due date upon lineitem creation?

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