A Quiz Marked Me as "Leaving the Canvas Page" When I Did Not.

Community Novice

While taking a test on Canvas, I accidentally swiped up with three fingers instead of two (on my laptop, a two finger swipe up is scroll down, while a three finger swipe up is a "minimize"ish type thing that somewhat minimizes the window and you can see all other windows) and the instant I did this, I went back to the test and continued as if it never happened. When I submitted the quiz I received an email (which looks like it is a cookie cutter email sent by Canvas) that said I exited the quiz and that I must explain why I exited the tab to my teacher in the form of an Email. I explained the whole "finger swiping incident", but that appear to not be the problem.

According to Canvas, I exited (I do not know if this was the same time as the mouse swipe thing, could be a completely different event) for 2 minutes and 30 seconds. I did not do this. I'm not writing this as a way to complain about my grade (which I'm still fine with the giving point deduction) and trying to make a cover up. I want to know why and how it thinks I left for 2:30. My computer never went dark, I never changed a tab/window, I don't know. 

I found from another post "I understand that after 30 seconds of inactivity,  the log marks as stopped viewing the Canvas quiz" (linked below) and I was wondering if as I sat and looked at one of the particularly difficult questions, could it think I was inactive and there for mark me as "stopped viewing the Canvas quiz"? If so, is there any way to prove this? If it is true and there is not a way to prove it, is there another way to fix this problem without just me having to wiggle my mouse as I think?


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