Courses on homepage and discussion boards won't load for my classes

Community Novice

When I log on to Canvas to submit assignments, I am unable to load my courses from the main page. They just are stuck in "loading." I have to click on "Courses" on the sidebar to access anything. Then, I can't load discussion board pages. I have to go to my mobile app to be able to see any posts and replies, as well as reply myself. All I can seem to do is do quizzes. Umm, that does not work for me. How do I fix this?

I had been out of town when I noticed the problem, figured it was the internet speed, but once I got home, it's still happening.

I am using Google Chrome browser version 76.0.3809.132 and it's up-to-date. I also saw nowhere to actually report a problem so here I am, rather annoyed that I just can't reach out directly to Support themselves. I have assignments I need to turn in so I can't wait around hoping someone sees this.

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