In ANGEL, there is an Attendance Pin Tool (Attendance Component | IT Knowledge Base that many of our instructors are looking for in Canvas as we transition from ANGEL to Canvas.
In ANGEL, the Attendance Pin Tool posts a random code (generated by the LMS) that students enter into the LMS while they are in class. This verifies that they attended the class. It ties to the gradebook. Instructors want the Attendance tool to be quick and easy to use. Using the seating chart is not a good solution for them due to the time it takes for large classes. A few instructors say that the seating chart is very K-12-ish.
The Attendance Pin feature should tie to the Grade book so a participation grade can be easily calculated and weighted.
A great feature would be if the instructor is able to lock it down by IP Addresses.
The attendance tool should also allow manual entry by instructors or TAs for changes, excused absences, late arrivals, etc.
The addition of an Attendance Pin tool in Canvas would help many of our instructors transition more easily to Canvas.
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