[ARCHIVED] Looking for suggestions: Granting extra time in a course for which the term has closed

Community Member



I have a situation that has been exacerbated by the current state of things. Each time we reach the end of a term we typically have one or two students who need additional time to complete course work due to a medical illness or some other reasonable accommodation request. The pandemic has increased the volume of these requests exponentially.

What I was doing was moving that single student to a new section in the same course and assigning them to a newly created term which would then end on the agreed-upon accommodation date. This works but requires creating individual terms and sections for the student and then using sticky changes (to override our nightly SIS import) to modify the student's course section. The only thing that this was breaking was our grade sync with our SIS because the section key was different the sync was no longer able to see the information.

I'm looking for a better solution; I'd really like if I could go into the course, find the student and extend their enrollment but that isn't possible so I figured I'd post this out there and see if anyone has other ideas that might result in less manual manipulation.

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