
My role is both an administrator and assessor/teacher in our organisation.

We have a need to be able provide "Treat Ungraded as Zero" as a Global Account setting for both Teachers and Students.

As our organisation is a VET provider where students need to have a score of 100% in order to gain their qualification, both students and teachers need to always be able to view where they are at by percentage of the course correctly completed.

Without this set, it appears that the student may have completed all of their work correctly but they don't realise that they still have assignments to submit. Teachers also have the same problem. This becomes even more important as students near the completion of their course. As it stands they see 100% but don't realise that it is only based on graded assignments.

If this idea was implemented:

  • For Teachers, this means we could set it at an account level so that all of our teachers would automatically set that way as soon as they enter the Gradebook, instead of us having to continually ask and explain to our teacher how to do so.
  • For Students, this means that we could "Calculate based only on marked assignments" unticked as a Global Setting. They could still choose to tick it if they wished but no matter how many times they are asked to untick the box, they do not do so. It is also not helpful that if they untick the box and then leave that screen and return to it, they have to untick the box again, over and over. 
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