New Quizzes in Course Copied from Previous Year Says Students Have Already Taken Quiz

Community Explorer

Dear Canvas Hivemind,

I teach a university level lecture class using Canvas, and created the course from my previous year's content. I had created a quiz question bank last year with the intent of reusing the questions from year to year.

So I'm attempting to use items from this question bank for my last quiz this semester, but when I try to modify them all the questions are saying that "Some students have already submitted answers for this item! You can apply your edits to a copy of this item which will only be seen by students that have not taken the assessment."

But no one has taken this assessment that is being newly created from the question bank, so why am I getting a message for this? If I have to make copies of every question, that seems to defeat the purpose of having a master question bank.

What am I missing here?



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