[ARCHIVED] Canvas Collaborations (Office 365) stopped working

Community Participant

We use Office 365 Collaborations in Canvas. Today previously working collaborations are no longer accessible to staff or to students from the link in the course. 

I have tried different users, different browsers and different courses but nothing has resolved this. Occasionally we can get access on one course, but for another it won't work at all. Users are not taken automatically to the file, but instead are asked to log in, the authentication pop-up appears successful but after a while a screen appears saying 'You are not allowed to view this content'. There is no issue with our SSO and the course link to Office 365 OneDrive is working ok. 

I have contacted Canvas 24/7 for support but they have no further suggestions at this stage other than speaking to our IT team. Any suggestions to help resolve this would be welcomed! 

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