Can you use moderated assignments for program assessment?

Community Participant

Hi! I'm creating up a standalone course for program assessment that is organized by modules -- each module is a different institutional learning outcome (set up at the account level) -- with signature assignments -- used to collect evidence for the aforementioned outcomes. Each signature assignment has a rubric attached that contains the relevant institutional learning outcomes.

The Director of Assessment would like for there to be 2 graders who use the rubric to assess the artifact. I've enabled moderated grading for these signature assessments, but I'm unsure about a few things.

1) The assignment doesn't need to have any points, does it? There are no "real" students in this course. I'll use dummy accounts to submit artifacts (that have been collected from real students) to these assignments. But will moderated grading still work? Do I need to have both graders enter in some arbitrary score so that the rubric scoring will be applied?

2) Will the outcome report (at the Admin level) be populated with data once the moderator selects the final grade and releases grades or as soon as a grader starts clicking on rubric criteria? I can't figure it out.

Thanks for your time. I am grateful for any thoughts you may have!

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