I do not understand "Importing the same course content more than once will overwrite ..."

Community Explorer

I do not understand this message:  "Importing the same course content more than once will overwrite any existing content in the course." 

Here is what I want to do:

I imported QUIZ from Course 2021 into Course 2022.  Then I edited it in Course 2022.  After my students take QUIZ in 2022, I would like to make a copy of it in Course 2022 for the students to use for practice.  I am worried that this will cause it to revert to the unedited version from Course 2021.  Is that true, and if so, how do I proceed?

I also do not understand "overwrite any existing content in the course."  It's the word "any."  What does that mean?

Thanks for any clarification that you can provide.

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