Sharing Canvas Studio Collection Major Issue

Community Explorer

I have no idea what the problem is with Canvas Studio Collections. I had a bunch of videos that students had commented on and I was trying to put them into collections. When I created the collections and shared them with the students, for some reason the students couldn't view the videos in the collection. So, to trouble shoot. I deleted the videos and thought they would appear in the collection after. That was absolutely not the case. The videos still didn't show up in the shared collection and now I've deleted the videos and comments forever and can't get them back. Absolute garbage feature for the sharing collections. What's the point of sharing collections if the videos can't even be accessed? I don't know if this was a glitch in the system or if anyone else had these problems, but I am so frustrated. I was planning on using the comments for a later activity and now I can't because I deleted the videos and can't recover. Canvas Studio Custom Sharing Groups @VH2020 

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