How to remove an exam or assignment not used this semester from gradebook?

Community Participant

I teach the same course on subsequent semesters, so I will import the course files, exams etc. from the previous semester when I make the site for a new section at the beginning of the same semester. However, I do make some changes, typically. For instance, I may modify an old exam and save a new version for various reasons not important here.

The problem is, the old "Exam 2" or "Assignment 5" or whatever still appears in the gradebook. I can hide it and keep it unpublished to that particular section, so I assume the students don't see it in theirs and the potential point totals on those unused exams won't affect their final grade.

However, it still shows up in a column on the instructor view, along with the new version of that exam or assignment. I find it rather distracting to see unused and unpublished exams or assignments in these columns. Plus it makes it harder to scroll through them quickly.

Is there a way to remove an exam or assignment from the gradebook for a given semester without actually deleting it (I like to keep the older exams and assignments around to have access to the questions and as a template or if I want to use them in a subsequent semester)?

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