Microsoft Office 365 Link Requires Multiple New Tabs to Open File

Community Member


I am creating a course in Canvas and have been using the Office 365 LTI to link to PowerPoints in my OneDrive. I have not had any issues in creating links or getting the PowerPoints to display in presentation mode as long as I made sure the link opened the file in a new tab. Just recently I noticed that when I click on a link to a PowerPoint, it opens a new tab and I get the message "This content cannot be viewed within this page" and it prompts me to open a third tab (which will then open the PowerPoint). This seems redundant and negates the purpose of having the link open the file in a new tab, to begin with. I am not sure why it is behaving this way now when I have not had any issues when I started building this course earlier in the year. I would greatly appreciate any insight in helping to resolve this issue!

Thank you,


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