Is there an easy way to isolate discussions between sections at the course level?

Community Explorer

In our Catalog instance we have a course in which sections are used to separate enrollments into date ranges.  This is the preferred over duplicating the course shell so that we can maintain a single Catalog listing.

How do I change the start and end dates for a cour... - Instructure Community (

This course has an interactive component that utilizes discussions.  The goal is to have students participate in discussions only with those who are in the same section.  The issue is that without any additional management, students can see discussion posts for all sections.

We have reviewed the documentation and searched the community.  At the moment, it would seem that the cleanest way to proceed would be to duplicate each discussion and essentially create a copy for each section that is assigned to only that section.  This requires some manual effort for the instructor each time a new section is created for this course.  Additionally, the instructor would see a large list of duplicated discussions which will grow over time as new sections are added.

This can work...  But we're hoping for a cleaner/simpler solution.  Something a single setting might accomplish.

Is it possible to easily isolate discussions between sections at the course level?  Some sort of course setting that basically says students can only interact with students in the same section?

Any insight would be greatly appreciated.  Thanks in advance!

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