
Per W3Schools Responsive Web Design :

"What is Responsive Web Design?

Responsive Web Design is about using HTML and CSS to automatically resize, hide, shrink, or enlarge, a website, to make it look good on all devices (desktops, tablets, and phones)"

Canvas scales down, but fails to scale up. The overall content is justified to the left, not centered, and does not adjust based on screen width automatically. This results in cutoff headings/titles on various items posted to various widgets on the web page. In some cases, the web site fails to utilize over 50% of the screen space.

It is common for monitors to have 2k, 4k, or other resolutions. The prices are cheap and aid productivity when applications support the additional space. In summary, Canvas is not currently fully compliant with Responsive Web Design. The simple techniques available at W3 schools allows anyone (beginner or advanced) to configure responsive web sites on ALL resolutions.


Role: Student


Unable to add images inline to post. I used the camera box to add via URL. I tried pasting directly into the box. Nothing works to display inline. Reference the attachments.


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