Graded Sub-Assignments Towards One Larger Assignment For One Final Grade

Community Member

How's the best way to handle an assignment where students turn in partial sub assignments towards completing one larger assignment, which would allow me to provide grades for the sub assignments along the way and still allows students be able to tell what grade they got on the overall larger assignment?

  • One option I've tried is to make separate smaller graded assignments rather than one big one, but students have difficulty figuring out what grade they got on the overall assignment.
  • Another option I've tried is just one total points assignment, and several smaller zero points sub-assignments, later using a rubric to add points for each sub-assignment after everything is turned in but that makes it harder to give feedback and grades along the way during the beginning planning stages for the main assignment.

I know there are grouped assignments, but those seem to apply to broader assignment group breakdowns. (homework, quizzes, essays, etc).

Here's an example a 100 pt assignment

  • Idea pitch assignment 10 pts
  • Planning assignment 20 pts
  • Main Assignment 60 pts
  • Post main assignment self evaluation 10 pts
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