I can't download my course content from the settings page, no courses are available to download.

Community Member

Hello, I am a student. When the semester ends, my old classes usually disappear from my Canvas and are no longer accessible so I lose access to the class materials unless I've spent time downloading all of it.When I found out that there is a way to "download course content", I was excited. So I go to my Canvas settings and find the button to download course content. When I click it, none of my courses are listed as options, no current or past courses, and the only current course that is available is from a student organization I joined. Why is this?

On another note, I wanted to give a feature suggestion. When I download submissions from the settings page, it should download the teacher-annotated submissions too because they would contain valuable feedback. But I don't have enough reputation yet to suggest features, which is frustrating. 😑


Thank you for checking my post to help me!



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