Cannot log into class page on Canvas

Community Member

I signed up for a free canvas account via an email sent to me by my professor. Originally my computer kept me logged into the account but I had to reset my cookies in order to get another website to work and now it has not kept me logged in. The password that I used to login would not work so i tried to reset the password but was never sent the email to do so. I have tried many times to reset the password and have not received and email about. I then created a new account and made sure I knew 100% what the password was but again I am unable to log into the class page. Somehow I was able to log into this part of canvas to ask this question but I am unsure if it will let me do so at another time. 

I have no clue what is wrong or what I can do, there is not phone number or email that I can find to contact canvas directly. Can someone please help me.

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