Quiz grades no longer showing for certain learner section

Community Explorer


Happy new year! I hope everyone had a great holiday week.

I am a Canvas course admin for a higher ed institution working with many specialized cohorts.

We just noticed that learners of one section are missing all their quiz grades - we are unsure why. We recently updated their roles from 'Learner' to a custom instructor role with more permissions after they graduated. Would this have wiped their quiz results? Their completed assignments are still showing, however.

1. If we revert these learners back to the 'Learner' role temporarily, could we retrieve those quiz grades?

2. Is it possible to revert the course to a previous version temporarily to retrieve those grades? Just like how on Windows PC you can boot to an earlier date to retrieve files you deleted.

We use these analytics to assess cohort performance and to give students feedback. We hope we can retrieve them!

Thanks in advance for your help.

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