Blackboard Classic to Canvas Migration

Community Champion


Although I have been through this migration many years ago and under different circumstances, I'm back at another institution that is considering a switch from Blackboard Classic to Canvas. There are options for migration from Instructure itself (1,000 courses for free.). There is also a company called K16 that does this, but they are super expensive.

What can we expect in terms of course fidelity if we license Canvas and choose one of these two migration options?

I recall when I went through this in 2014 that it was basically a course re-build. Files came over, but the course structure was essentially useless. Many of the tools were not even the same. That can be an opportunity to reset, of course, but it is a ton of work.

Guessing....I'll bet that hasn't changed much in nine years.

I look forward to hearing your experiences and suggestions...

Thank you!

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