Community Coach
Community Coach

Hello @BreannaBerchtol ...

Are all the courses in question (the course that currently has all your Outcomes and the courses that do not have your Outcomes) live in the same Canvas environment?  Meaning, I assume that you don't need to log in to two separate Canvas environments at two different schools to access your courses?  If you are using the same Canvas environment for all of your courses, why not use the Course Import Tool instead of exporting the Outcomes and then importing them to the other course(s).  You can select specific content from the "source" course, and then copy those Outcomes to your other course(s).  (I think of the courses you copy content to as "destination" courses.)

For example, log into a course that does not have your Outcomes.  Then, go to your course "Settings" and then "Import Course Content".  Follow these directions to choose your course that has the Outcomes, and then "Select specific content".  You'll eventually get to a screen where you will have a row (and checkbox) for "Learning Outcomes".  You can click the arrow next to it to drill down and select specific Outcomes that you want to copy (import) into your course.  Or, if you check the box next to "Learning Outcomes", it will select them all.

How do I select specific content as part of a course import?

Hopefully this will be an easier way for you to accomplish what you need for your course(s).  Sing out if you have any questions about this process...thanks!

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