LockDown Browser with New Quizzes

Community Participant

Hi there,

I'm wondering if anyone else is having an issue with New Quizzes and LockDown Browser?  I was just called up to a classroom where an instructor was giving a quiz with LockDown Browser enabled and all the settings looked good to me, but all students were getting the robot "no access" image when trying to access.  I tried enabling and re-enabling Lockdown but nothing worked.  I eventually just had to tell him to turn off LockDown Browser so they could at least take the quiz, which is obviously not ideal.

I just created a new quiz in my test course and published it, and I get the same error message that all the students were getting with my test student account.  I know LockDown does work with New Quizzes as I've tested this in the past.

Is anyone else having this issue?


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