"Build Upon Last Attempt" doesn't always work for all students

Community Participant

I have had a teacher report that he's had inconsistent results with the "Build Upon Last Attempt" feature in New Quizzes. While he has the box checked for the feature in New Quiz Settings, it doesn't necessarily work for all students. It works as designed for some and then not for others. Some people are given only the wrong answers while others have to start from scratch. To add to the mystery, the error doesn't occur for the same people each time.

Here are the things he's tried to eliminate the issue:

On the teacher's side...

  • Tried changing the quiz settings one question at a time, 

On the student's side...

  • Closing the browser,
  • Going out of the quiz & coming back, and
  • Refreshing the page. 

Has this occurred for others? Have you been able to remedy this problem or gotten help from Instructure? I'm putting in an admin ticket now, but I thought I'd post here as well to get as much info as possible! Thanks in advance. 

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