Student Peer Review Rubrics Not Saving

Community Member


I have been using Canvas's peer review functionality to conduct peer reviews in a technical writing course, and I've run into a bug where many of my students' rubrics are not saving correctly when they hit submit. Essentially, no matter what selections my students make for the rubric criteria, the answers are defaulting to the "lowest" score. I say "lowest" here because I do not have points assigned to this rubric (so all entries show 0 points), but it seems clear that it's defaulting to the "No Marks" option for all criteria.

A few notes from my troubleshooting:

  • Comments linked to the various rubric criteria are saving correctly for all students, even when the rubric doesn't save properly.
  • Right now, I would say 90% of submissions have not worked properly, but 10% have.
  • It's hard to determine what's different for the 10% that have no issue, but one observation I've made is that my students are seeing different ways to submit their peer review assignment.
    • Some are seeing the "Save Comment" on the left-hand side (though like many things in Canvas, this button is often obscured by the window setting). And, indeed, this is what the tutorial page suggests students should see.
    • Other students (really most students) are seeing a blue "Submit Assignment" button in the bottom-right-hand corner. And, though more common, this appears to contradict the tutorial page on submitting peer review assignments.
  • While I have not been able to test systematically, it seems that the students who see the "Save Comment" button on the lower left-hand side are also the ones who are able to save their rubrics correctly, while those (again the majority) who see the blue "Submit Assignment" button on the lower right-hand side are not able to submit correctly.

Any guidance you can provide would be greatly appreciated.


Dr. Adam Sneed

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