Download csv of all total student interactions (rather than manually by student)

Community Member

Hi! I'm investigating online student behaviour in a number of units at my university. 

I love that I can download a csv file of Weekly Online Activity which shows overall student engagement in resources. However, this information is generic - e.g. X number of unidentified students accessed resource Y. I can also see that if I go to the People area and look at individual students, that it is possible to see the specific data for individual students and all of this data *must* be known in order to generate the course level generic data. However, there doesn't seem to be a way to download a csv with all individual student data compiled.

Is this a feature that I've simply missed? Or, if not, are there plans to introduce it? (It is frustrating knowing that the data has been collected but that the only way to access it is through manual copying of data one student at a time - not feasible for a 470 student unit!).

Thank you!


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