Redesign New Assignment Pop Out Menus - 0/10 Stars, WHY did Canvas make this change???

Community Explorer

Please tell me my school is not the only one with teachers grumbling about the new changes to the assignment process?

1 - Submission Type automatically changes the Assignment Name
At first, I was incredibly irritated that if I attach anything to the Submission Type - my assignment name is automatically changed. This is not helpful for me, or my peers, teaching online that import courses over repeatedly, and then have to go into each assignment to change the actual important information, such as due dates. I already have a module in place, exactly as I need it, I do not want to change the names of the assignments. It would be great if that auto feature was able to be opted OUT of for whoever choses.

2. When Submission Type is added, it automatically selects the "Load This Tool In A New Tab"

It took me a few days to catch on this one. When you select "External Tool" or, I'm sure Mastery Connect as well, as a submission type, under the drop down menus appears a check box, which auto selects "Load This Tool In A New Tab." In an online environment, this too needs to be an option to opt OUT of because not all online learners are at the same level. I have students still learning to use computers and navigating websites and Single Sign On, I do NOT want additional windows popping them up, further adding confusion and adding to the amount of THINGS they have going on. I want all my assignments in one single area, on one platform, inside a nicely wrapped box. This is extremely frustrating as well for lower performance students that have learning special powers.


3. The addition of a new pop out menu for Manage Due Dates and Assign To is an unnecessary additional step. SEE UPDATE BELOW!!! as of 8/30/2024

The rule of thumb for number of clicks for efficiency is maxed at 3. Why would we add yet another window that needs to pop out to incorporate identical information that we could already enter ON THE SAME PAGE with OUT having to navigate away to a new pop out page? I really don't understand if Canvas is truly trying to make things more efficient, or simply make changes that make the platform seem more "technologically savvy," but I can assure that less is more - and this additional tool pop out takes more time to complete than when it was on the same page. I wish I could include quantifiable data showing how many more minutes this adds to my lesson planning and creation process because it is too much additional time. Not only do I have to take more steps to complete this now, I have to wait for the pop out to actually load. Not awesome.

As an online teacher and the only one in my program for my entire content area, and also teaching courses for other content areas (yes, I am certified in 3 subject areas), I have 14 canvas courses this year alone that I have to prep and maintain.  Maybe this is an issue JUST for me, having so many courses, where I understand most teachers may have 3 or 5, I am not sure. However, all of these changes are extremely frustrating and time consuming for me, and I would love to have the old system back. That's just on to the Grading forum...



UPDATE!!! I do not know when this change was implemented, I just noticed today when I was editing an assignment, but PRAISE TO ALL THAT EXISTS!!! Lol, Canvas has removed the pop out window and added the Due Date back into the regular window. YESSSS!!! It is truly the small things in life... 

 Thank goodness!!! 

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