Bug with Course Pacing, pages, and Assign To

Community Champion

Hey all, I wanted to share an issue we came across today.  In one of our courses with Course Pacing enabled, suddenly our students could not see any pages in it. Like when looking at Modules any pages were just gone when using Student View and for our students. This morning those pages had all been slightly edited.  

So it turns out what when you edit a page in a course when Course Pacing is enabled, it removes Everyone from the Assign To section of the page.  The only fix appears to be turning off Course Pacing and then going to Assign to for the page and adding Everyone back in.  At that point you can turn course pacing back on and it should work.  Here is a video showing the issue and that I've submitted to support.  https://unomaha.yuja.com/V/Video?v=11195232&node=49872706&a=67727299 

Has anyone else seen this behaviour and would anyone else like to confirm the issue in one of your courses?


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