NEW QUIZZES NOT IMPORTING - anything that is shared, sent to, etc. does not import

Community Member

One of our teachers started creating our Canvas quizzes using the "new" update, however, I can no longer receive or copy over the quizzes. I had no previous problems (earlier this year, the old quiz format: I was able to Import the Shared Content). Now when I try to import, Canvas thinks and says the process has begun (I get a downloading circle) and after 15-20 minutes the quiz appears to have uploaded, however, when I try to open it, there is nothing there. Basically, the only thing that is "imported" is the title of the quiz. I have had the same results many times (at one point I had 8 copies of the same quiz title with nothing else imported). I have access as a teacher who can edit the other teacher's course and have shared the quizzes with myself but nothing. It has happened now for the last three quizzes and to circumvent I have been frantically copying and pasting each part of the quiz but I can't do this for every single quiz moving forward. Please help.

The response I have received after including the above information:

First question, are you a "teacher" in ----------'s course?

Second, can you go through this tutorial and let me know if these are the steps you've been taking?  

The answer is YES to both. If the steps have changed please share the new way. If it is an issue with Canvas, can this be resolved as I noticed the last comments on this problem were posted in August with no response of a resolution. 

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