Enhanced Rubrics - Duplicate Rubric Feature Is Not Working Correctly

Community Member

My university has turned on Enhanced Rubrics in our test environment and I've been testing the features.  One issue that I have found is the Duplicate option does not duplicate the Outcome settings.  We use Outcomes for assessment purposes and most of our faculty do NOT include the assessment in the course grade.  When they add an Outcome to a rubric, they turn off the box "Use this criterion for scoring," which doesn't include the assessed item's score in the course grade but allows us to pull the scores in the Outcomes report for assessment purposes.

When we duplicate this rubric, this setting is NOT duplicated.  It is reset to the default on setting, creating an issue for the course grade, inflating the score for the assignment.  The only workaround that I can find is to duplicate the rubric, then delete the Outcomes, and then re-add them to the rubric with the "Use this criterion for scoring" box turned off again.

Has anyone else seen this or is Instructure working on a fix?

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