Reorder questions within an Item Bank for New Quizzes

Community Member

It would be super helpful to be able to change the order of questions within an Item Bank in New Quizzes. Sometimes it's necessary to select the specific order of questions, not randomize them. For example, I have some questions that are in a series, such as showing a diagram and asking a few questions about it, but when importing from a Question Bank (Old Quizzes), the questions are in reverse order (say, from #50 to #1, instead of from #1 up to #50). 

Even if I tried a workaround to create a separate Item Bank specifically for the questions in a series, I'd run into the same issue as above (wrong order of questions).   

  • In case it's of interest: I use the ExamView software to build the exam and then import it into Canvas, but I need to do the question bank to item bank conversion because the QTI package from the software won't load into the item bank for whatever reason). 

There is a post from 2019 with a similar request to reorder Question Bank questions in Old Quizzes. The "solution" from the Community Coach was essentially: sorry, we're developing New Quizzes. Well, New Quizzes has been out for quite some time now. Can we please get these implemented?

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