Rubrik Grading - please move the button back to the left

Community Champion


As of this morning, rubrik grading has the submit button on the right (It has always been on the left).  This is a major step backward in design.  When grading on just about any size screen the discussion post is on the left and the rubrik is on the right.  So any interaction with the right side is best aligned to the left.  Left alignment means that scrolling could be minimalized and needed only for specific elements.  The submit button is always needed so it should be left.

Since it is on the right, I now have to horizontally scroll the right side of the screen ALL the way to the right (which is now much wider as well) for EACH student.  You just increased my grading time because of a design decision.    Just try it a few times and any designer would agree that the button should be on the left.

I almost never had to scroll to the right on that side when grading and could do it quickly. . .until now.   So frustrated!




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