Recommendations for virtual lab options for Anatomy and Physiology Classes?

Community Contributor


I am an instructional designer and I work closely with the coordinator of our Anatomy and Physiology classes to build out Canvas content to support the lecture and lab components for these courses. While the lab component for these courses are face-to-face, they are currently supplemented by what we call "virtual labs" between sessions, though these are really just labeling and multiple choice activities through an LTI provider (the textbook publisher). These activities support the knowledge students will need for the upcoming labs.

We are interested in exploring other options and other question bank providers that integrate with Canvas. Ideally, I'd love to go with something that was more like a real virtual lab to extend students' lab experiences.

I would be very grateful for any recommendations for assessment or question-bank LTIs that are working well for your institution.  I'm especially interested in things you have tried that worked well for lab experiences in general, or A&P classes specifically!

Thank you!


La Salle University in Philadelphia

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