Community Contributor
Apr 1, 2015 2:00:27 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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Choosing for a gradebook to treat ungraded assignments as zeros should set that as the default to the grades view students see.
🔎 This idea has been archived. While this idea isn't open...
This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas
For more information, please read through the Canvas Deploy Notes (2020-08-26)
For institutions that elected to use Canvas Studio, the Rich Conte...
There's one for students to hand in assignments from Dropbox, Box, and OneDrive; collaboration through Google Docs... More and more Mac's seem to be showing up on our campus, even between seme...
Moles. We've been compromised. Remember your training. And somebody call Kenny Loggins...
Great news! We would like to take away the native media tool to the RCE to ensure media uploaded lands directly into Studio, where it can be easily auto-captioned, proofed, & published. We would...
Most Recent Posts
Problem statement:
Instructors would appreciate reminders that they have unsaved assignment submission comments and the ability to save them ('publish' them to students) en bulk.
Proposed sol...
How was this marked as "solved"...?
Problem statement:
Inability to remove the History option from the Global Navigation column.
Proposed solution:
Add an option in account settings to remove the History feature/option from the global ...
We haven't been able to get the new admin filter to Studio to filter by anything but term, really. Is this a known issue and is it being worked on? Thanks -
What more information do you need on it, Kristin? It seems pretty straight forward: add the option to the redirect app to place the/a 'link' to the Top Navigation placement now available to L...
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