Activity Feed
- Liked Canvas Production Release Notes (2016-07-16) for erinhmcmillan. 07-26-2016 08:26 AM
- Liked Word count for Speedgrader (DocViewer) grading for gsaltveit. 05-31-2016 06:56 AM
- Liked Fix "Wiki Pages" as a label for james_graham1. 05-03-2016 03:36 AM
- Liked Announcements should default to closed for comments for joel_mills. 05-03-2016 03:35 AM
- Liked To be able to Rotate an image inside the Rich Content Editor. for fontago. 05-03-2016 03:31 AM
- Posted Re: Anonymous Discussion Forums on Canvas Ideas. 02-17-2016 03:13 AM
- Liked [Assignments] Submit an assignment on behalf of a student for CommunityTeam. 02-15-2016 03:40 AM
- Posted Re: Notifications by Course on Canvas Ideas. 01-26-2016 06:05 AM
- Liked Allow for student groups to be auto-generated using sections for 700958421. 11-05-2015 01:35 AM
- Liked Make Hiding of Student Names in SpeedGrader/Gradebook Persistent for david_house. 11-05-2015 01:33 AM
- Liked Common announcement to all my classes for badari_eswar. 11-05-2015 01:30 AM
- Liked Canvas Mobile App: Next and Previous Module Item Buttons for rseilham. 11-05-2015 01:29 AM
- Liked [Groups] Allow Groups to set Homepage for hpalmersheim. 11-05-2015 01:28 AM
- Liked Allow Annotation of PDF Documents Directly In The Canvas App for michael_berg. 11-05-2015 01:28 AM
- Liked [Calendar] Create a single course calendar entry across multiple classes for linda_wagner. 11-05-2015 01:27 AM
- Liked Form-based assignments (e.g. worksheets or guided reflections) for CommunityTeam. 07-27-2015 02:24 AM
- Liked Quizzes.Next: Question banks for crobak. 07-27-2015 02:23 AM
- Liked The ability to edit Global Announcements for mickey_richards. 07-27-2015 02:22 AM
- Liked Copy an Assignment for jthoms. 07-27-2015 02:21 AM
- Liked Custom Role Name on "View All or Customize" screen for Chris_Hofer. 07-27-2015 02:21 AM