Activity Feed
- Liked Honour visibility settings in Files notifications for dsweeney2. 07-19-2020 02:00 PM
- Liked New RCE - pin the sidebar for tina_busch. 03-23-2020 06:22 PM
- Liked SIS ID column in Gradebook for lisa_ward. 12-15-2019 06:33 PM
- Liked Allow 'Treat ungraded as 0' in New Gradebook for jeremy_stevens. 07-01-2019 02:08 PM
- Liked [Gradebook] Include a Keep Highest Scores Rule (instead of Ignore Lowest) in Assignment Groups for kimberly_smith1. 05-13-2019 02:48 PM
- Liked [Notifications] Default notification settings profiles by user role for seth. 04-26-2018 03:50 PM
- Liked Read Only Developer Key for moein_ghodrati. 04-16-2018 09:06 PM
- Liked Printable / PDF-exportable quizzes for seth. 02-06-2018 03:13 PM
- Liked Exporting quizzes into Word or pdf documents for desiree_deverea. 02-06-2018 03:13 PM
- Liked Exported gradebook should match filters on the grade screen for cxy11. 11-26-2017 05:20 PM
- Liked Allowing Export gradebook by section(s) for hfchen. 11-26-2017 05:19 PM
- Liked Filter Gradebook by Column for leward. 11-26-2017 02:25 PM
- Liked DocViewer Instructor Feedback Download for bhuggins. 06-26-2017 02:16 PM
- Liked Assignment un-mute notification in speedgrader for b_figueira. 11-07-2016 11:09 AM
- Liked Files: show number of files inside folders & sub-folders for a_tsai. 09-25-2016 01:16 PM
- Liked [Discussions] Download discussion board posts for jvolkman. 08-30-2016 07:42 PM
- Liked [Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time for emalates. 03-16-2016 03:11 PM
- Liked Support Grading History in large course sites for stevenwilliams. 03-16-2016 03:10 PM
- Liked Import Grade Comments for johnpj. 03-03-2016 10:54 AM
- Liked Announcement emails - subject line information for a_tsai. 03-03-2016 10:52 AM