
Community Member
Sep 16, 2020 5:57:45 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Another way this could be improved is if there is a "new files" section in the Files navigation menu, so you can easily see the new files that you haven't yet opened at the top of the list...
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I have the exact same question! The visual clutter is even worse when the full names of the courses show on this page, instead of the "nicknames" I had set for the dashboard and courses tab. I...
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It would be super helpful if a link to the newly posted file was included in email notifications for "new file posted". Currently, the email just tells you that a new file was posted in your c...
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It seems that you cannot mark announcements as "read" from the course inbox in a user-friendly way (like in email, where you just click on the message and it marks it as "read" or you ...
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I am a university student and being able to access everything for school online is both helpful and overwhelming. I have a laptop with very little storage, and I get frustrated every time I have to pr...
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Most Recent Posts

Another way this could be improved is if there is a "new files" section in the Files navigation menu, so you can easily see the new files that you haven't yet opened at the top of the list...
Apr 8, 2021 7:32:36 PM
I have the exact same question! The visual clutter is even worse when the full names of the courses show on this page, instead of the "nicknames" I had set for the dashboard and courses tab. I...
Apr 8, 2021 7:25:35 PM
It would be super helpful if a link to the newly posted file was included in email notifications for "new file posted". Currently, the email just tells you that a new file was posted in your c...
Sep 17, 2020 12:12:14 PM
It seems that you cannot mark announcements as "read" from the course inbox in a user-friendly way (like in email, where you just click on the message and it marks it as "read" or you ...
Sep 16, 2020 6:09:06 PM
I am a university student and being able to access everything for school online is both helpful and overwhelming. I have a laptop with very little storage, and I get frustrated every time I have to pr...
Sep 16, 2020 6:00:38 PM

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