
Community Member
Oct 2, 2020 8:31:52 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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Skyward was having some issues, but they said everything on their end is fine now.  Skyward is no longer having any problems.But Canvas is still not syncing to Skyward, students or grades.
Likes: 2
I guess I can wait, but it has been happening off and on since February 22nd.  That is almost a week. 
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I (the instructor) keep getting Error 503 when I am syncing my grades to Skyward and it comes up as failed.These assignments synced fine last week.  What is the problem?  
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I usually get a post when I open Canvas reminding me to enter a SIS Rollover date.  I did not get that this year.  I know when my school will roll things over.  How do I communicate with Canvas when I...
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Most Recent Posts

Skyward was having some issues, but they said everything on their end is fine now.  Skyward is no longer having any problems.But Canvas is still not syncing to Skyward, students or grades.
Mar 01, 2023 09:28 AM
I guess I can wait, but it has been happening off and on since February 22nd.  That is almost a week. 
Feb 28, 2023 11:34 AM
I (the instructor) keep getting Error 503 when I am syncing my grades to Skyward and it comes up as failed.These assignments synced fine last week.  What is the problem?  
Feb 28, 2023 10:43 AM
I usually get a post when I open Canvas reminding me to enter a SIS Rollover date.  I did not get that this year.  I know when my school will roll things over.  How do I communicate with Canvas when I...
Jul 04, 2022 15:59 PM

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