Philip Whitman
Community Participant
senior lecturer
Jul 7, 2016 12:56:00 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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I can't tell you how many hours I have spent simply REPAIRING quizzes I've already created that I had intended to spend creating new quizzes. It seems like every time I'm not looking, one ...
I'm including an audio file in a quiz question. I want it to look like this, with the rounded oblong shape: However, it's been getting harder and harder to make the audio icon appear like this...
YES! In fact, this feature is needed not only for Mastery Paths, but also for the ordinary use of module prerequisites. I spent hours figuring out the visual roadmap of the modules, and even created a...
I want to echo what others have said above. I just gave failing grades for a whole batch of assignments, wondering why the hell the students ignored the rubric, and now I'm hearing from them that ...
I'm having the same problem here, using the lone Test Student I have. I'm assuming that by now the Conditional Release API is part of the installation here, though I can't see it anywhere....
Most Recent Posts
I'm including an audio file in a quiz question. I want it to look like this, with the rounded oblong shape: However, it's been getting harder and harder to make the audio icon appear like this...
I can't tell you how many hours I have spent simply REPAIRING quizzes I've already created that I had intended to spend creating new quizzes. It seems like every time I'm not looking, one ...
YES! In fact, this feature is needed not only for Mastery Paths, but also for the ordinary use of module prerequisites. I spent hours figuring out the visual roadmap of the modules, and even created a...
I'm having the same problem here, using the lone Test Student I have. I'm assuming that by now the Conditional Release API is part of the installation here, though I can't see it anywhere....
I want to echo what others have said above. I just gave failing grades for a whole batch of assignments, wondering why the hell the students ignored the rubric, and now I'm hearing from them that ...
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