
Jp Gorrono
Community Novice
Sep 1, 2015 1:33:21 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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 @lorne_olfman ​This is one way:export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8; curl -s https\://<server.your.domain>/api/v1/users/self?access_token=<user's_token> | \python -c "import s...
Likes: 4
My tidbit is ...I've been using curl to call the api's when trying things out and the python json.tool module is very useful in that it formats the call results:curl -v "https://canvas.tes...
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Answering my own question once again. 😕1) despite the implication of not having 'optional' in comments next it it in the Course object description, public_description needs to be expli...
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 @dstraayer  I've been using this: https://github.com/kajigga/canvas-contrib/tree/master/SIS_Integration/java/basic_exampleThe sis import API interaction is in SISImport.java. I forked and cop...
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I am able to get the course information via a cUrl call to https://ourcampus.instructure.com/api/v1/courses/sis_course_id:jonstest1However the 'public_description' is not in that returned docu...
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If you are using an SIS_ID, and since they are unique, it makes more sense for the middleware to target a user, not search for one: /api/v1/users/sis_user_id:simon.j.taylor@gmail.com ....... if th...
Mar 15, 2017 5:28:07 AM
Thanks for the reply and thatv ery reasonable guess. The test course was indeed not published but after deleting the enrollment, publishing the course and retrying the api call again, still no email. ...
Jan 11, 2017 4:59:04 AM
I am trying to get a email notification sent for an enrollment invitation and the email never gets sent. Sending a message to the same user via the ui widget works fine. Can anyone tell what I am miss...
Jan 11, 2017 1:06:45 AM
 @lorne_olfman ​This is one way:export PYTHONIOENCODING=utf8; curl -s https\://<server.your.domain>/api/v1/users/self?access_token=<user's_token> | \python -c "import s...
Oct 14, 2016 3:23:48 AM
Stan,That url path doesn't look right... looks like your are PUT'ing to the api playground location in docsshould be '/api/v1/courses....'  afaik
Apr 27, 2016 8:52:50 PM

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