Samuel Vallentine
Community Member
Mar 29, 2021 7:33:09 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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As well as being able to bulk import outcomes, I want to duplicate outcomes and modify the name - this would be just as fast as bulk importing a only handful of outcomes through a .csv file. The main ...
I would love this feature! Also, I'm surprised the designers didn't think of it at start with - it was the first button I looked for.Across our senior mathematics curricula, in both year 11 an...
Feature request:Grouping modules together so that they can all be rearranged/published/unpublished at once - essentially a checkbox feature that allows you to apply an action to multiple modules.
Seconded, make a checkbox feature for both modules and items within modules to allow for bulk handling: rearranging, publishing, deleting etc.
Scott Dennis's post from 08-03-2016 07:45 AM says that publishing a module with two unpublished pages will not also publish the pages. This is not my experience. If I have some pages published a...
Most Recent Posts
As well as being able to bulk import outcomes, I want to duplicate outcomes and modify the name - this would be just as fast as bulk importing a only handful of outcomes through a .csv file. The main ...
I would love this feature! Also, I'm surprised the designers didn't think of it at start with - it was the first button I looked for.Across our senior mathematics curricula, in both year 11 an...
Feature request:Grouping modules together so that they can all be rearranged/published/unpublished at once - essentially a checkbox feature that allows you to apply an action to multiple modules.
Seconded, make a checkbox feature for both modules and items within modules to allow for bulk handling: rearranging, publishing, deleting etc.
Scott Dennis's post from 08-03-2016 07:45 AM says that publishing a module with two unpublished pages will not also publish the pages. This is not my experience. If I have some pages published a...
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