
Kathy Harris
Community Contributor
Dec 29, 2015 9:28:04 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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I have had courses live on Catalog for about 4 months. I have had multiple reports that emails are not being received.First, I have had a few people report that they do not receive the email to confir...
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I posted this same question awhile ago, and there are more people that are having this issue. Thread:https://community.canvaslms.com/thread/15363-emails-are-not-being-delivered Deactivated user‌ Deact...
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mattg‌, Is this still the case? Has this been worked on? Is there a way for a notification to be sent to the instructors when a student has either signed up for a course, or finished the course?
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Jeremy,Thanks for this Catalog Guide. I have had some reports that users have completed the course, but no email for the certificate during testing of the course. I am hoping that this will not become...
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Hi Julie.Here is my coding:  (The image is hosted on our OU Campus Server)Email Header:<div style="background: #D9D2CA; padding: 15px 10px 10px 10px; text-align:center;"><img src&...
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Same problem here. We need people to re-enroll every 3 years. The only solution we have found is to create new courses and course offering each year, also.
May 01, 2018 09:41 AM
 @jsowalsk ‌, who would you like to market Catalog to? Do you want to market it to instructors as a way to offer courses to others in your institution? Do you want to market the courses themselves...
May 01, 2018 09:36 AM
 @jsowalsk ‌, thank you for keeping us updated!!!
May 01, 2018 09:10 AM
Yes, I have this problem. My work around is not a pleasant one. I have to create a new course and a new course listing the same person needs to enroll into the same course. Each course & course li...
May 01, 2018 09:09 AM
Hi Jessica,We do not have the same Catalog instance. Two different institutions.
Apr 24, 2018 11:07 AM

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