Community Contributor
Sep 9, 2015 3:56:49 PM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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When students do anonymous peer review, they would be better served to be able to use the mark up tools to leave comments in the page, indicate where wording, errors, etc. need work. It would make it...
When using the new quiz app for a take home exam, it would be good to allow the use of turnitin to monitor any inappropriate collusion on essay questions.
What does "word bank" mean for a new quizzes fill in the blank question? Does that mean word you list will be counted correctly?
So I figured this out, the word bank just gives a list of words to select from below the question and you drag the correct word into the sentence.
It has been a long time since I made this request and now I am retiring without any help from Canvas to make anonymous peer review easier to use for me or my students. Very sad.
Most Recent Posts
It has been a long time since I made this request and now I am retiring without any help from Canvas to make anonymous peer review easier to use for me or my students. Very sad.
This is really needed--partial credit for getting x out of y answers correct
Not clear if recurring events in the calendar for appointments is available or not..... if not it should be.....
So I figured this out, the word bank just gives a list of words to select from below the question and you drag the correct word into the sentence.
What does "word bank" mean for a new quizzes fill in the blank question? Does that mean word you list will be counted correctly?
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