Activity Feed
- Liked Re: Features Q&A: Canvas Release Notes (2024-07-20) for audra_agnelly. 07-24-2024 01:49 PM
- Liked Roses are Red, the Link Validator is Rad for RebeccaMoulder. 05-17-2022 02:04 PM
- Liked New Quizzes survey workaround and complete/incomplete for jlubkinchavez. 12-01-2021 06:52 AM
- Liked InstUI Style Guide for Instructional Designers for adam_zolkover. 04-29-2020 10:06 AM
- Liked [Course Settings] Allow Admin to Set Default Settings for courses for ebschc. 12-04-2019 12:23 PM
- Liked Attendance Overhaul for kona. 10-08-2019 01:46 PM
- Liked Course Evaluation Checklist for lphilips. 07-17-2019 12:40 PM
- Liked Home Sweet Homepages without Tables for clong. 07-17-2019 12:37 PM
- Liked No refreshing to progress on mastery paths for lowea. 06-10-2019 09:05 AM
- Liked Re: Resizing Buttons for jacob_standish. 06-07-2019 06:38 PM
- Liked Resizing Buttons for melissa_kreider. 06-07-2019 06:38 PM
- Liked [Commons] Restore dynamic subaccount-based groups to Canvas Commons for stevenwilliams. 03-14-2019 10:42 AM
- Liked Re: What is the max number of sections per course? for bdalton_sales. 10-18-2018 11:48 AM
- Liked What is the max number of sections per course? for ibagdasa. 10-18-2018 11:48 AM
- Liked [Blueprint Courses] Make Modules lockable for lindalee. 09-13-2017 10:34 AM
- Liked Completely Anonymous Grading, Persistently Blind Grading for healyeb. 02-24-2017 02:53 PM
- Liked [Reports] Enhanced LTI Report for shane_ohara. 02-10-2017 10:28 AM
- Liked Re: Canvas Production Release Notes (2017-01-28) for hesspe. 01-24-2017 09:14 AM