Kyle Cooper
Panda Pros
Aug 25, 2022 11:33:44 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member
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How will students know which group has been selected/assigned to them?
Students will have a "Group" icon appear in their global navigation menu on the left side of the screen on their computer...
I've got a little experience with SRT files and I think you hit the nail on the head @Chris_Hofer.
An SRT is a standard file format for captions that would allow you to upload captions that we...
Could you provide a little more context to what you mean by "converted"? Do you mean from a different system that you previously used before Canvas?
I'm going to take a whack at answerin...
Could you provide a little more detail including:
- Is this a screencast or only your webcam or both at the same time?
- Are you using Studio to create the recording or just the default recording tool...
Not directly. You cannot directly embed an assignment within another.However, one option that could work depending on how assignments are already set up in the class is a combination of assignment gro...
Most Recent Posts
How will students know which group has been selected/assigned to them?
Students will have a "Group" icon appear in their global navigation menu on the left side of the screen on their computer...
I've got a little experience with SRT files and I think you hit the nail on the head @Chris_Hofer.
An SRT is a standard file format for captions that would allow you to upload captions that we...
Could you provide a little more context to what you mean by "converted"? Do you mean from a different system that you previously used before Canvas?
I'm going to take a whack at answerin...
Could you provide a little more detail including:
- Is this a screencast or only your webcam or both at the same time?
- Are you using Studio to create the recording or just the default recording tool...
Yeah, students can have multiple browsers open taking the quiz at the same time.
However, all of this could be traced and you would be able to determine that two different devices were being used.
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