
Community Champion
Oct 1, 2015 8:15:45 AM
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An amazing Instructure Community member

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This idea has been developed and deployed to Canvas  Question Banks. If you create a bank of questions in a sandbox course and bookmark those banks, then you can use them in any course. But you canno...
Likes: 182
I am with you,  @hmrozarb , I have to repeat SO many times each semester to look at the home page instead of the To-Do list because I have many things in the course that the students need to see o...
Likes: 18
OK, so I had 5 minutes. . .  I inspected the elements and here's the css properties as defined in the "common" CSS file:Header 2Header 3font-size25px21pxfont-weight300normalline-height37px...
Likes: 14
I just tried to send a message to my class and there are a couple problems.   a) The course list for new messages now includes ALL courses in my history, which is a lot of courses.   And NONE of mu co...
Likes: 8
I have found it useful to keep a sandbox account for this.  I go to the sandbox course and import the quiz.  Then I rename it and import it back into the original course.  It can be a simple rename, l...
Likes: 7

Most Recent Posts

I was able to turn this off in the settings for the course by using advanced settings, enhanced rubrics.   Then I had a conversation with our online learning administrator and was told that the system...
Nov 16, 2024 06:41 AM
I have not specifically changed ANYTHING in my course.  So I have not asked for any enhanced features.  Just since last weeks discussion and this, something has changed.
Nov 11, 2024 09:48 AM
Problem: As of this morning, rubrik grading has the submit button on the right (It has always been on the left).  This is a major step backward in design.  When grading on just about any size screen t...
Nov 10, 2024 06:36 AM
This answer is no longer accurate.  Exporting a quiz that has questions linked to question banks does NOT export the associated banks.
Nov 09, 2022 22:32 PM
Following on. .  Where can I find all of my own content?   I used to be able to click "My Content" to see all of my posts, questions, answers, etc. . .   No I can't seem to figure out how ...
Nov 20, 2021 13:48 PM

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