Activity Feed
- Posted Automatically reassign quiz after expiration on Canvas Question Forum. Monday
- Liked [ARCHIVED] Question Bank Migration to Item Bank for des21. 10-28-2021 01:57 PM
- Liked Re: Possibilities for User Experience of Classic Quizzes to New Quizzes Migration for mjennings. 10-07-2021 09:41 AM
- Liked [Inbox] Email (message) multiple classes at one time for emalates. 12-02-2019 01:49 PM
- Liked [Calendar] Import calendar from ICS file for Beth_Young. 12-02-2019 01:49 PM
- Liked [Course Settings] Control Conversations at a Course Level for julopez. 12-02-2019 01:49 PM
- Liked Retain dropped student information for thomasl. 12-02-2019 01:49 PM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Immediate feedback in quizzes for kpowder. 12-02-2019 01:49 PM
- Liked Notifications by Course for 19045. 04-18-2019 10:18 AM
- Liked Hiding Recent Feedback/Grades for carlu. 04-18-2019 10:17 AM
- Liked [New Quizzes] Student Highlight & Annotation Tools for Quizzes for msommer. 04-18-2019 10:16 AM
- Liked Log Off all Devices for mzucal. 02-21-2019 10:13 AM
- Liked Attendance Overhaul for kona. 02-21-2019 10:12 AM
- Liked [Reports] Enhanced LTI Report for shane_ohara. 02-07-2019 10:24 AM
- Liked view access by file or item, not user for mcdowela. 02-07-2019 10:24 AM
- Liked [Peer Review] Have two due dates for peer review assignments for woodsdm2. 02-07-2019 10:24 AM
- Liked [Peer Review] Add due date for completing peer review for stelpstra. 02-07-2019 10:24 AM
- Liked Attachments to Inbox from External Email for tfreund. 01-24-2019 10:23 AM
- Liked [Account Settings] Default Grading Schemes at the Account Level for kgeary. 01-24-2019 10:23 AM
- Liked Emailing students in an Unpublished course for kat37. 01-24-2019 10:23 AM